Monday, September 17, 2012

Thoughts Lately

I've been avoiding the social media world the last few weeks. I needed a break, partly because I'm weary of the political strife, but mainly because time needs to be spent elsewhere. I've been working on home projects with my mother-in-law, reorganizing Kurt and my belongings, job hunting and reading books that've sat far too long. Big moves and transitions make one thing apparent: life moves quickly. More than ever I want to spend it wisely.

I recently read a blog post by someone I greatly respect, he spoke of the importance of being engaged in life. He questioned "what it means to remain observant and present in a world of such overwhelming fragmentation and distraction", and it really struck a cord with me. How often I realize that I spent more time engaging with content on Facebook, a blog or my phone than the very people in front of me or the beauty surrounding me in literature, nature or even a good plate of food.

I want to engage life in such a way that I'm being fed, deep down - physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'm learning too, that only then do I have anything worthwhile to share here on this blog or anywhere, for that matter. So if I'm more quiet, it's because I'm trying to learn the balance of engagement. I want to relish my first autumn in the midwest, read more than I write and invite people over for dinner (in the home we hope to have soon).

Michaela Rae


  1. I loved this post. His blog post is something that I've been thinking about a lot the last few months and we have been getting ready for all the changes in our lives. And I totally agree with you about the political stuff. I really wish it would all go away.

  2. Love this post, I think it can be so easy to get swept up in the cyber world and forget the world around us.

  3. Love this post, Michaela! Engage in living and live your life! Lots of good wishes from Sweden!


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