Thursday, May 31, 2012

Victoria's Visit to London in Pictures

The last 10 days have been manic, but in the best way possible. Now Victoria's on her flight back to Florida and I'm reliving the fun times we had.

Covent Garden all decked out for the Queen's Jubilee. 
Kurt came with us to Stonehenge and Bath.
Our favorite spot, Primrose Bakery.
My coconut and lime cupcake.
Sex Tips For Husbands and Wives from 1894
Anniversary "calligraphy" at Jane Austen's house.

It was sunny and warm every single day of her visit, which was really kind of ironic. I think she brought the weather with her because today it's overcast again. I loved the weather, but I think she was a little disappointed that she didn't get the true British experience. 

Kurt and I intentionally waited to do several touristy things so when friends visit we could do them for the first time with them, it made exploring London with Victoria a lot of fun. We even made a trip to Jane Austen's house in Chawton, Stonehenge and Bath. Which I think was all of our favorite day. 

I think having Victoria visit will help hold me over until we get back home. Seeing friends has a way of doing that. We especially had so many good talks and proper girl time; I doubt I'll be throwing myself anymore pity parties for awhile. In fact, I feel more excited and ready for our summer adventures now.

I hope you all are having a great week!

Michaela Rae


  1. This post totally made me want to come London even more than I already do! We are in the planning stages of a trip in October. Checking flights and seeing if we can afford it. I definitely know who to contact for good bakeries and fun places thanks to you!

    1. How fun! Yes! Do let me know if you have any questions at all. As of this week, I really have explored so much of London (and beyond).


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