Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Dreaming

I suppose it doesn't come as any surprise, being a newly wed and all, that life has been really wonderful the last several weeks. But on top of the joys of marriage, I think I'm in a good place because I've been able to enjoy more "me" time. I'm no longer working four jobs (only one, part-time) and no longer living with seven girls (fun but exhausting). Kurt and I have been sharing one of our cars to save gas and whenever I drop him off at his Greek class I get to do whatever I want. The last two days have consisted of sitting outside Starbucks, drinking tea or an IZZE while writing, giving my resume a face-lift, enjoying blogs or thinking about what I want to do in London.

A few blogs that I've been enjoying recently are Delight by Design & Melody Brandon's (my supervisor's wife) Sweet & Saucy Shop blog. Interior design and pastries have been on my mind the last several months. Yesterday I spent a couple hours looking at Culinary, or "Cookery" schools, as they're called in London. I've always wanted to own a small business someday; I think I could see myself owning a bakery and being the pastry chef, hehe. Who knows though, so many options...on our honeymoon Kurt and I couldn't get the idea of owning a B&B out of our heads.

I've been dreaming so big recently. It feels good. I never used to dream this much, but then some of my dreams began coming true. :-)

Michaela Rae

Happy summer photos by another one of my favorite bloggers, A Creative Mint.

A Creative Mint
A Creative Mint

1 comment:

  1. I want to make one of those collapsable Instax Mini books! Thanks for the inspiration. :)


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